Private Wells

Resources for Well Owners

National Ground Water Association (NGWA) provides basic information about wells, maintenance, water quality testing and treatment, and finding a contractor, as well as information about geothermal heat pump systems, resource links, and free online lessons for well owners.  They also have the Private Well Owner Hotline at 855-420-9355 (855-H20-Well) that operates from 10:00am to 4:00pm (eastern), Monday – Friday, except holidays.

Private Well Class website provides video lessons, podcasts, a webinar and event calendar with recordings, and a resource library.

Water Systems Council website provides a well owner’s manual, wellcare® information sheets on wells and well maintenance, well water testing and treatment, agricultural best management practices, and potential groundwater contamination, plus information for sanitarians, health professionals, home inspectors, and real estate professionals.  They also have the wellcare® Hotline at 888-395-1033 that operates from 10:00am to 5:00pm (eastern) Monday – Friday.

State Programs

New Hampshire Private Well Testing Program

New Jersey Private Well Testing Act

Rhode Island Private Well Program

Virginia Private Well Program

Federal Agency Information

CDC’s Private Well Website

EPA’s Private Drinking Water Well website

Source Water News

ASDWA’s Source Water News is intended to improve outreach and information sharing for state staff engaged in source water protection and sustainability, climate change, and nutrient pollution related efforts. Subscribe or search the archives at
ASDWA Submits Groundwater Comments to White House PCAST Advisors

ASDWA Submits Groundwater Comments to White House PCAST Advisors

On June 27, ASDWA submitted comments to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology’s (PCAST) important questions related...

New Clean Water Act Discharge Permit Comment Guide for Protecting Drinking Water Sources

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