Small Systems: Webinars and Additional Resources

Each of these 90 minute webinars is designed for new state capacity development and operator certification coordinators as well as state staff who’d like a “refresher” on program basics.

Operator Certification 101
Discussion topics will include why the program was created, explain the Federal reporting requirements, and an outline of the nine baseline standards for a certification program. These materials will be provided by Bob Dunlevy, the EPA Region 7 Operator Certification Coordinator. Andy Barienbrock (Ohio EPA) will discuss his state’s program and his duties as a coordinator.


Capacity Development 101
Bob Dunlevy, the EPA Region 7 Capacity Development Coordinator, will provide information on program basics such as why and how the program was created, attendant Federal requirements, and the different components of an effective Capacity Development program. Beth Goldowitz, Wisconsin’s Capacity Development Coordinator, will discuss her state’s program and her duties as a coordinator.


EPA’s Office of Research and Development and Office of Water Present Monthly Webinar Series:
Challenges and Treatment Solutions for Small Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems

More information about small systems, products, tools, and training are available through a number of websites managed by ASDWA’s partners throughout the water community.

  • hosts the best resources on the web for small system operators in one place. Through an easy-to-use search interface, operators can find:

    • Operator certificate programs and training events near you
    • An online library with thousands of free tools and documents to make your job easier
    • Email newsletters with the latest news relevant to small utilities takes pride in being a user-friendly portal for information from across the industry that saves time, answers questions, and provides opportunities for ongoing learning at your own pace. is a collaboration between the Rural Community Assistance Partnership and the University of Illinois, through the Illinois State Water Survey and the Illinois Water Resources Center, and funded by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    This EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water site provides information about small drinking water systems and program specific likes to capacity development, operator certification, and water security.
    The Drinking Water Academy is an EPA initiative designed to expand EPA, State, and Tribal capabilities to implement the SDWA through classroom and web-based training opportunities.
    The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. This link takes you to the AWWA Small System section of the website where you can explore resources and topic specific pages.
    The Association of Boards of Certification offers testing and certification programs for water and wastewater operators, laboratory analysts, and backflow prevention assembly testers.
    The National Environmental Services Center (NESC), provides technical assistance and information about drinking water, wastewater, environmental training, and solid waste management to communities serving fewer than 10,000 individuals.
    The National Rural Water Association is a non-profit federation of state rural water associations that offer a variety of training, technical, and on-site assistance in areas of operation, maintenance, finance, and governance directed toward small drinking water and wastewater systems.
    The National Rural Community Assistance Partnership works with local and regional leaders to improve the quality of life in rural America. Nationally, the partnership provides on-site training and technical assistance that promotes, facilitates, and helps communities develop water and waste infrastructure.

CapCert Connections

ASDWA’s CapCert Connections is for state drinking water program operator certification and capacity development coordinators. Our goal is to share timely, informative articles designed to help make your efforts easier to accomplish; give you insights into what your peers are working on; and keep you up to date with meetings, workshops, and other plan-ahead events. We hope that this informationwill encourage greater collaboration between the Capacity Development and Operator Certification programs and enhance the ability of both programs to support drinking water systems across the United States. Subscribe or search the archives at
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