Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide for Small (3,300-10,000) Systems (11-02)
- Cover Letter – Letter from ASDWA and NRWA to EPA, dated 11/13/02, trasmitting two documents – a “Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide for Small Drinking Water Systems Serving Populations Between 3,300 and 10,000” and a “Utility Guide for Security Decision Making.”
- Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide for Small Drinking Water Systems Serving Populations of 3,300 and 10,000 – A vulnerability assessment guide for systems serving between 3,300 and 10,000 that meets all the elements of a vulnerability assessment under the “Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.” The guide was developed by ASDWA and NRWA in cooperation with the U.S. EPA.
- A Utility Guide for Security Decision Making – A flow diagram and recommendations developed by ASDWA and NRWA to assist drinking water systems of all sizes to prepare, evaluate, and respond to security-related incidents.
Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide for Very Small (<3,300) Systems (6-02)
This Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide developed by ASDWA and NRWA in consultation with EPA, is targeted for drinking water systems serving less than 3,300 people and is designed to help these systems assess their critical components and identify security measures that should be implemented. The document is provided electronically in MS Word and .pdf formats that are intended for states and trainers to use, distribute, copy, add specific contact names, and customize for the locality of each system as appropriate. The document includes an emergency contact list, a phone threat identification checklist, and states may wish to attach their model emergency response plans as well.
- Cover Letter[PDF]
- Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide [PDF Version]
- Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide [Word Version]