Ground Water Rule (GWR)

EPA’s GWR Article Series

In order to provide information about the Ground Water Rule (GWR) in multiple ways to help states implement and systems comply, EPA prepared an article series that summarizes key components of the GWR.  There are 5 articles in the series.  The first introductory article outlines the series content and covers basics of the rule.  The other articles in the series cover triggered monitoring, compliance monitoring, sanitary surveys and corrective action, and Public Notice and CCR. The articles are meant to be shared by EPA’s partners.  States can publish these articles in their own newsletters or include in special mailings to water systems.

  1. GWR 1 Introduction
  2. GWR 2 Triggered and Additional Source Water Monitoring
  3. GWR 3 Compliance Monitoring
  4. GWR 4 Sanitary Survey Corrective Action
  5. GWR 5 Consumer Confidence Report, Public Notification, and Special Notice

Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool (Updated 3-2010)

It has come to the attention of ASDWA and EPA that there are state programs interested in learning how other states are approaching the Special Primacy Conditions in the Ground Water Rule (GWR). As they develop their own implementation approaches, states want to know what other states are doing. The GWR Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool has been designed to consolidate special primacy language as it is being developed by states (e.g., draft and/or final). The state language contained in the tool will be available to assist other states as they work through their own questions and issues associated with the special primacy conditions in the GWR.

It is the intent of the Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool to be a library and it should be considered a work in progress. ASDWA and EPA understand that not all states have determined their final strategies for implementation of the Special Primacy Requirements of the GWR. The language presented in this tool is there to assist states while they consider their options and is not intended to be considered a formal statement of a state’s final approach.

The objective for this tool is to get as many states as possible to populate the fields for each special primacy condition associated with the GWR. All submissions are voluntary and short, imperfect submissions are considered better than no submission at all.

For those that wish to participate, there is a version of the Tool that may be downloaded and populated by each state as it develops or revises its approaches to the Special Primacy Requirements. Actual instructions to download, update state special primacy language and submit are provided below.  In the second section below, is a report of the submitted state data that can be viewed by all interested parties. This report will be routinely updated as new updates to state language are provided.

Thank you for your consideration to use the GWR Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool and we hope you will find it useful. If you have any questions regarding GWR implementation you may contact your EPA Regional Rule manager. For technical questions about the databases, please contact Anthony DeRosa at

Ground Water Rule Cross-Walk

GWR Crosswalk 4-16-09 [Word]

GWR Tool – Downloadable

This version of the Tool can be downloaded and saved to your desktop, where you may populate it with your responses.  When you’ve finished working through the Tool, send a copy as an email attachment along with your contact information to Anthony DeRosa of ASDWA at  If you can, please send the database as a ZIP file.  Individual state responses will be merged, as they arrive, into the GWR Tool Report [viewable below].  Check the “last update” date next to the file to make sure you’re viewing the most recent data.

Ground Water Rule Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool [Downloadable file – 2MB ZIP]

GWR Tool Report – All State Responses

This PDF document includes all of the individual state submissions so far, organized by state.  If you notice an error in your submitted data, please contact Anthony DeRosa of ASDWA at

Ground Water Rule Special Primacy Information Sharing Tool Report [PDF]
(updated: 3-2010)