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State regulators are required to review validation reports as part of the approval process for UV drinking water disinfection systems. These reports, and the accompanying EPA Guidance for interpreting the reports, can be complex. This workshop, hosted by the International Ultraviolet Association, is intended to explain the main concepts behind the validation reports, and guide attendees through the process of reviewing a report.
15th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small Systems Challenges and Solutions August 28 - 30, 2018 Cincinnati Marriott at River Center - Covington, KY To support the efforts of state and local officials to assist small systems, this workshop will provide attendees with in-depth information and training on various solutions and strategies for handling small
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This webinar will cover the spectrum of chemical and microbial contaminants in raw (source) water, to treated water, to water at the tap. The webinar will be presented in three segments to address key issues and questions of drinking water quality. The segments include Groundwater Sources, Water Quality from Source Through Treatment, Water Quality from Distribution to the Consumer.
The purpose of this webinar is to demonstrate the use of decision support tools and multi-purpose landscape analysis systems that can strengthen the ability of water suppliers to develop land protection strategies that address threats to drinking water sources. Land conservation emphasizes the permanent preservation of land around both groundwater and surface water sources. GIS analysis is an effective and accessible way to identify and rank source lands and can be used throughout the source protection process, providing an invaluable resource for inventories, prioritization and management. This webinar will demonstrate various GIS-based tools developed by The Trust for Public Land, their data layers, and describe specific applications of this information.
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