ASDWA Webinar: USGS Drinking Water-Related Research, Data, and Tools
ASDWA and USGS announce the first in a series of webinars for ASDWA members and others to learn about the activities and products of the US Geological Survey that support the work of state drinking water programs. The initial webinar will provide an overview, and future webinars will dig deeper into topics like HABs, water quality, and water quality monitoring and modeling. Look for announcements for future webinars later in the year.
Collaborating to Replace Lead Service Lines: What You Need to Know from the Web Toolkit
The Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative is launching a webinar series! These webinars will cover topics crucial to building and implementing replacement programs and feature available tools and resources. Learn everything you need to know from the Collaborative’s online toolkit and what to expect from the series with the first webinar on April 25 3PM-4PM EDT. Register today!
Managing Legionella and other Pathogenic Microorganisms in Building Water Systems
This practical conference is a must for everyone with an interest in controlling risks from exposures to Legionella in water plumbing, cooling towers and pools and spas. Learn more at
Source Water Collaborative Webinar: A Preliminary Look at the National Forests to Faucets Analysis 2.0
A Preliminary Look at the National Forests to Faucets Analysis 2.0 Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Time: 2:00 to 3:00 pm (eastern) The Source Water Collaborative is pleased to announce
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State Efforts to Assess and Address 1,4-Dioxane through Drinking Water, Ground Water, and Clean Water Programs
State Efforts to Assess and Address 1,4-Dioxane through Drinking Water, Ground Water, and Clean Water Programs Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Time: 1:00 to 2:30 pm (eastern) The purpose of
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ASDWA/USGS Webinar: Cyanotoxins – Advancing Drinking Water Science to Protect Human Health
Currently, non-enforceable USEPA Health Advisories are available for some cyanotoxins in finished drinking. Decision makers need to balance the management of contaminants that are regulated and unregulated in drinking water, as well as the costs of achieving treatment targets. This webinar will focus on cyanotoxin occurrence and potential exposures in the Nation’s surface water resources.
ASDWA/EPA Data Management Users Conference (DMUC): 2018
Please mark you calendars for the 2018 Data Management Users Conference (DMUC) which will be held in Salt Lake City, UT on July 9-12, 2018. You will notice a later time for the DMUC compared to past years. We are holding the meeting at a later date to better align with the roll out and pilot testing for Prime.
National Capacity Development & Operator Certification Workshop: 2018
The National Capacity Development and Operator Certification Workshop will cover topics such as best practices and collaborations between and among state capacity development, operator certification, and state revolving fund programs; methods for building sustainability through asset management, water system partnerships, and operator training; and how EPA, states, and assistance providers can be more effective and efficient in our collective support for small drinking water systems. There will also be dedicated time for states to exchange successes and challenges and brainstorm on new ideas and strategic approaches.
Reviewing UV Validation Test Reports: Workshop
State regulators are required to review validation reports as part of the approval process for UV drinking water disinfection systems. These reports, and the accompanying EPA Guidance for interpreting the reports, can be complex. This workshop, hosted by the International Ultraviolet Association, is intended to explain the main concepts behind the validation reports, and guide attendees through the process of reviewing a report.
15th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small Systems Challenges and Solutions
15th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small Systems Challenges and Solutions August 28 - 30, 2018 Cincinnati Marriott at River Center - Covington, KY To support the efforts of state
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