
CFATS Long Term Funding on Hold

CFATS Long Term Funding on Hold

Both the Senate and House have put the brakes on efforts to provide long term funding for the CFATS (Chemical...

Audio Roundtable Discussion on the National Ocean Policy

Audio Roundtable Discussion on the National Ocean Policy

The National Ocean Council cordially invites you to an audio roundtable discussion on the National Ocean Policy and Coastal Communities...

Water Research Foundation Board of Trustees Votes to Commit $6.4 Million to Its 2012 Research Program

Water Research Foundation Board of Trustees Votes to Commit $6.4 Million to Its 2012 Research Program

At its January 20th meeting, the Water Research Foundation’s Board of Trustees approved $6.4 million in 2012 funding for the...

EPA to Hold Workshops on Integrated Stormwater and Wastewater Plans

EPA to Hold Workshops on Integrated Stormwater and Wastewater Plans

EPA recently announced a series of workshops that will be held to solicit stakeholder input on the use of integrated...

WERF Seeks Project Proposals for Improving Water Infrastructure

WERF Seeks Project Proposals for Improving Water Infrastructure

The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) seeks proposals for research to generate the science and engineering to improve and/or evaluate...

Cyanobacteria Toxin May be Linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases

Cyanobacteria Toxin May be Linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases

A toxic molecule associated with cyanobacteria and potentially found in drinking water has been linked by a pair of researchers...

New Data Added to EPA’s Nitrogen and Phosphorus Data Access Tool

New Data Added to EPA’s Nitrogen and Phosphorus Data Access Tool

EPA has added updated U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) data to EPA’s Nitrogen and...

PSW Distribution System Optimization Program Promotion

PSW Distribution System Optimization Program Promotion

The Partnership for Safe Water is helping to introduce its new distribution system optimization program with a special offer. Water...

Highlights from the USGS Cooperative Water Program

Highlights from the USGS Cooperative Water Program

USGS has just issued the latest Highlights from the USGS Cooperative Water Program (CWP), through a listserve targeting those interested...

Eighth National Monitoring Conference

Eighth National Monitoring Conference

The National Water Quality Monitoring Council’s 8th National Monitoring Conference – Water: One Resource – Shared Effort – Common Future...

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