Drinking Water Headlines

SAB Considers Report on Perchlorate

SAB Considers Report on Perchlorate

EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) this week considered a draft report from a special Perchlorate Advisory Panel that recommends changes...

Joint State-EPA Report on Worksharing Principles and Best Practices Published

Joint State-EPA Report on Worksharing Principles and Best Practices Published

This week, the EPA-State Worksharing Task Force published a report presenting core principles and examples of best practices.  The report...

EPA’s Water Program Publishes 2012 Climate Change Progress Report

EPA’s Water Program Publishes 2012 Climate Change Progress Report

EPA’s National Water Program has published its “2012 Highlights of Progress: Responses to Climate Change.”  The report provides a summary of the...

EPA Releases Report on Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Practices

EPA Releases Report on Green Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Practices

EPA has just released a report that examines the operation and maintenance practices of several green infrastructure projects funded by...

EPA Survey Finds More than Half of the Nation’s River and Stream Miles in Poor Condition

EPA Survey Finds More than Half of the Nation’s River and Stream Miles in Poor Condition

On March 26th, EPA released the results of the first comprehensive survey looking at the health of thousands of stream and...

NOAA Funding Opportunity for Coastal Community Climate Adaptation

NOAA Funding Opportunity for Coastal Community Climate Adaptation

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is currently seeking to fund climate adaptation efforts for FY 2013-2014 as part...

House Committees Consider Regs, Cyber Attacks, and Science

House Committees Consider Regs, Cyber Attacks, and Science

Wednesday was a busy day in the House.  Several Committees met and marked up legislation or held hearings on topics...

Senate Committee Passes Water Resource Development Act Containing WIFIA Style Pilot

Senate Committee Passes Water Resource Development Act Containing WIFIA Style Pilot

On March 20th, the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee passed HR 601, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).  In...

SDWIS NextGen Update

SDWIS NextGen Update

Work began again in earnest this month on the development of the new drinking water data system, SDWIS NextGen.  As...

American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card

American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card

This week, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its “2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.”  The 2013 edition of...

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