Drinking Water Headlines

Source Water Collaborative Meeting Celebrates Partnerships

Source Water Collaborative Meeting Celebrates Partnerships

On Earth Day, April 22nd, the Source Water Collaborative (SWC) held a celebration and signing ceremony in conjunction with its...

Meeting Between EPA Office of Water Senior Managers and State Water Association Representatives

Meeting Between EPA Office of Water Senior Managers and State Water Association Representatives

On April 24th, EPA Office of Water senior managers met in Washington, D.C. with the Executive Directors of ECOS, ACWA,...

New York’s Drinking Water Program Distributes “Value of Water” Brochure

New York’s Drinking Water Program Distributes “Value of Water” Brochure

The New York Department of Health Public Water Supply Bureau has partnered with key representatives of the state’s water community...

USDA RUS Allocates $145 Million for Rural Water & Wastewater Projects

USDA RUS Allocates $145 Million for Rural Water & Wastewater Projects

Our colleagues at National Environmental Services Center have shared the following good news story… As part of Earth Day celebrations...

FEMA Calls for 2013 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards Submissions

FEMA Calls for 2013 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards Submissions

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently announced that the application period for the 2013 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards...

How’s My Waterway App Now Has New Features

How’s My Waterway App Now Has New Features

EPA’s app and website, How’s My Waterway, is designed to help the public find information on the condition of their...

Webcast on Using Social Indicators in Watershed Management Projects

Webcast on Using Social Indicators in Watershed Management Projects

EPA plans to host a webcast on May 1, 2013 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET on using social...

Guidelines for Point Source Discharges from Steam Electric Power Plants

Guidelines for Point Source Discharges from Steam Electric Power Plants

On April 19th, EPA proposed a regulation that would set federal limits on the discharge of several toxic pollutants (e.g.,...

Budget Cap, Debt Limit, and Appropriations Intertwined

Budget Cap, Debt Limit, and Appropriations Intertwined

Both sides of the political aisle are struggling to find middle ground in budget cap negotiations — a move necessary...

EPA Seeking Nominees for the Science Advisory Board

EPA Seeking Nominees for the Science Advisory Board

The Chartered Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office published a Federal Register notice this week seeking nominees for the Science Advisory Board...

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