Drinking Water Headlines

ASDWA Provides Insights on EPA’s Draft IRIS Toxicological Review of Inorganic Arsenic

ASDWA Provides Insights on EPA’s Draft IRIS Toxicological Review of Inorganic Arsenic

ASDWA submitted comments to EPA on December 14 in response to the Agency’s Draft IRIS Toxicological Review of Inorganic Arsenic....

ASDWA Provides Support for EPA’s Proposed Procedures to Evaluate Risks from Chemicals under TSCA

ASDWA Provides Support for EPA’s Proposed Procedures to Evaluate Risks from Chemicals under TSCA

ASDWA submitted comments to EPA on December 14, generally supporting EPA’s proposed rule, Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic...

EPA Releases Second Annual Progress Report on PFAS Strategic Roadmap

EPA Releases Second Annual Progress Report on PFAS Strategic Roadmap

On December 14, EPA announced it had published the second annual progress report highlighting the Agency’s accomplishments since the release...

EPA Takes Action Under TSCA to Halt Use of PFAS in Certain Plastic Containers

EPA Takes Action Under TSCA to Halt Use of PFAS in Certain Plastic Containers

On December 1, EPA issued orders, under the authority of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), to Inhance Technologies LLC...

EPA Publishes Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements in Federal Register

EPA Publishes Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements in Federal Register

Today, December 6, 2023, EPA published the proposed LCRI in the Federal Register. Comments on the proposed LCRI may be...

Department of Labor Releases YouthBuild Pre-Apprenticeship Grant

Department of Labor Releases YouthBuild Pre-Apprenticeship Grant

The Department of Labor (DOL) has released its YouthBuild grant, an excellent opportunity to expand workforce development in the water...

Upcoming EPA WaterTA Webinar

Upcoming EPA WaterTA Webinar

EPA is hosting a webinar on December 12 at 2:00pm (click here to register) discussing EPA’s Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA)...

EPA Proposes Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)

EPA Proposes Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)

On Thursday, 11/30, EPA published the proposed the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). EPA’s LCRI website lists five key...

ASDWA Joins AWWA and AMWA in Supporting New PFAS Reporting Requirements Under the Clean Air Act

ASDWA Joins AWWA and AMWA in Supporting New PFAS Reporting Requirements Under the Clean Air Act

On November 17, ASDWA, the American Water Works Association, and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies submitted comments to EPA...

Mid-Atlantic Source Water Protection Leadership Forum

Mid-Atlantic Source Water Protection Leadership Forum

The Mid-Atlantic Source Water Protection Leadership Forum was held on November 14-15 in Philadelphia, PA. The forum brought over 70...

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