Small Systems

GAO Releases Water Workforce Report

GAO Releases Water Workforce Report

Earlier today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report titled Water and Wastewater Workforce: Recruiting Approached Helped Industry...

ABC Brings Certification Professionals Together

ABC Brings Certification Professionals Together

Last week, despite unexpected cold and ice, more than 100 certification professionals gathered in San Antonio to participate in the...

NRWA’s New Workforce Apprenticeship Program

NRWA’s New Workforce Apprenticeship Program

Last November, ASDWA attended the formal signing of an agreement between NRWA and the US Department of Labor to launch...

EPA Leans in to Water System Partnerships

EPA Leans in to Water System Partnerships

EPA has launched a new interactive website to increase awareness about the benefits of drinking water partnerships.  EPA describes...

EFCN Hosts January Webinars

EFCN Hosts January Webinars

Time for New Year’s resolutions!  Why not brush up on your water pricing and asset mapping skills?  Our colleagues at...

Talking About Water Loss…

Talking About Water Loss…

  During ASDWA’s October 2017 Annual Conference, the topic of water loss and water audits came up.  What tools are...

Sustainable Systems Team Publishes New Set Aside Analysis Doc

Sustainable Systems Team Publishes New Set Aside Analysis Doc

EPA’s Sustainable Systems Team is pleased to announce that the new Analysis of the Use of Drinking Water State Revolving...

EFCN and AWWA Host Water System Management and Finance for Board Members Webinar

EFCN and AWWA Host Water System Management and Finance for Board Members Webinar

   This webinar, Water System Management and Finance for Board Members, is designed to be an educational tool to assist...

EPA to Host DWSRF Set-Asides and Eligibility Handbook Webinar

EPA to Host DWSRF Set-Asides and Eligibility Handbook Webinar

EPA invites you to register and attend a webinar titled Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Capacity Building in Action: ...

Webinar – Training Your Board Members

Webinar – Training Your Board Members

The Environmental Finance Center Network in collaboration with AWWA are hosting a webinar titled Water System Management and Finance for...

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