
EPA Publishes Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements in Federal Register

EPA Publishes Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements in Federal Register

Today, December 6, 2023, EPA published the proposed LCRI in the Federal Register. Comments on the proposed LCRI may be...

ASDWA Joins AWWA and AMWA in Supporting New PFAS Reporting Requirements Under the Clean Air Act

ASDWA Joins AWWA and AMWA in Supporting New PFAS Reporting Requirements Under the Clean Air Act

On November 17, ASDWA, the American Water Works Association, and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies submitted comments to EPA...

LCRI Remains at OMB

LCRI Remains at OMB

As of November 16, 2023, the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) is still under review by the Office...

EPA Releases Second Round of UCMR 5 Data

EPA Releases Second Round of UCMR 5 Data

Today (11/9), EPA released the second round of data from the Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5). Every five...

EPA Announces Strategic Plan to Better Assess Human Endocrine Effects of Pesticides

EPA Announces Strategic Plan to Better Assess Human Endocrine Effects of Pesticides

On October 26, EPA unveiled a strategic plan to rebuild its Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP). EPA established the EDSP...

Lead Updates: Less Than One Year Until LCRR Implementation Deadline

Lead Updates: Less Than One Year Until LCRR Implementation Deadline

As of October 20, 2023, the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) is still under review by the Office...

Register for EPA ORD’s Small Systems Webinar on UCMR5, Fraud Awareness, and PFAS Drinking Water Methods

Register for EPA ORD’s Small Systems Webinar on UCMR5, Fraud Awareness, and PFAS Drinking Water Methods

Each month, EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) hosts the Small Drinking Water Systems Webinar Series, which consists of...

EPA Finalizes Rule Requiring Reporting of PFAS Manufactured in the U.S.

EPA Finalizes Rule Requiring Reporting of PFAS Manufactured in the U.S.

On September 28, EPA released the pre-publication of a final rule outlining reporting and recordkeeping requirements for per- and polyfluoroalkyl...

Free Webinar – T-Minus 12 Months: Lessons Learned and Information Gaps for Initial LSL Inventories

Free Webinar – T-Minus 12 Months: Lessons Learned and Information Gaps for Initial LSL Inventories

  ASDWA will be hosting a free webinar on October 16, 2023 from 1:00-2:30 eastern, T-Minus 12 Months: Lessons Learned...

EPA Announces Oct 11 NDWAC Meeting to Discuss MDBPs Working Group’s Emergent Recommendations

EPA Announces Oct 11 NDWAC Meeting to Discuss MDBPs Working Group’s Emergent Recommendations

EPA has announced an October 11 meeting of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC). During the meeting, from 10:30-5:30...

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