
State Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Defending EPA’s PFAS Drinking Water Rule

State Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Defending EPA’s PFAS Drinking Water Rule

On January 17, seventeen states and the District of Columbia filed an Amicus Brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals...

EPA Publishes PFAS Rule Memos to Clarify Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

EPA Publishes PFAS Rule Memos to Clarify Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

On November 21, EPA published two PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) Monitoring and Reporting Requirements memorandums. One memo...

Successful ASDWA and EPA Drinking Water Workshop Held This Week

Successful ASDWA and EPA Drinking Water Workshop Held This Week

ASDWA and EPA co-hosted the 21st Annual Drinking Water Workshop this week in Cincinnati, Ohio entitled, “Small System Challenges and...

Editorial Correction to Final PFAS Rule Published in Federal Register

Editorial Correction to Final PFAS Rule Published in Federal Register

On June 25, EPA published a new Federal Register Notice with a “PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR); Correction.” The...

California Adopts MCL for Hexavalent Chromium

California Adopts MCL for Hexavalent Chromium

California has adopted a new hexavalent chromium (Chromium 6) maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 parts per billion (ppb) for...

ASDWA Submits Comments on UCMR6 Analytical Methods

ASDWA Submits Comments on UCMR6 Analytical Methods

On Monday, April 8, 2024, ASDWA submitted Final Comments on UCMR6 Methods in response to EPA’s February 8, 2024, request...

EPA Finalizes PFAS Drinking Water Rule

EPA Finalizes PFAS Drinking Water Rule

On April 10, 2024, EPA announced the final rule for six PFAS in drinking water and will host a series...

OMB Completes its Review of EPA’s Final PFAS NPDWR

OMB Completes its Review of EPA’s Final PFAS NPDWR

On March 28, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updated its website to reflect that the Agency completed its...

US Appeals Court Vacates EPA TSCA Orders to Halt Use of PFAS in Certain Plastic Containers

US Appeals Court Vacates EPA TSCA Orders to Halt Use of PFAS in Certain Plastic Containers

On March 21, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated two EPA orders prohibiting the company Inhance Technologies from...

ASDWA Provides Support for EPA’s Prioritization Process under TSCA

ASDWA Provides Support for EPA’s Prioritization Process under TSCA

In comments submitted to EPA on March 14, ASDWA provided support for the Agency’s chemical prioritization process under the Toxic...

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