
Webinar on Legionella Monitoring

Webinar on Legionella Monitoring

In cooperation with NSF International, the Water Research Foundation (WRF) will be having the first of three webinars on Legionella next week!...

EFCN Partners Host Several Useful Small Systems Webinars

EFCN Partners Host Several Useful Small Systems Webinars

Managing Disasters Before Disasters Strike DATE:              Wednesday, October 10, 2018 TIME:               1:00PM-2:00PM (eastern) REGISTER:      Click here This webinar will explore...

Joint Webinar – DWSRF and Capacity Building in Action – Workforce Development and Operator Training

Joint Webinar – DWSRF and Capacity Building in Action – Workforce Development and Operator Training

Interested in learning about how DWSRF set-asides can be used for workforce development and operator training activities? DATE:              Tuesday, September...

Register for September 26 Webinar on Collaborating to Replace Lead Service Lines

Register for September 26 Webinar on Collaborating to Replace Lead Service Lines

The Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative is hosting another webinar on lead service line replacement.  This webinar, Collaborating to Replace Lead...

One Water Webinar on Blending Public and Private Investment for Water Infrastructure

One Water Webinar on Blending Public and Private Investment for Water Infrastructure

On Wednesday, February 21st from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (eastern), the US Water Alliance will hold the 4th webinar in...

National Conference Of State Legislatures Learns About Lead Service Lines

National Conference Of State Legislatures Learns About Lead Service Lines

The National Conference of State Legislatures held a recent webinar for their members to learn about options for replacing lead...

EPA Tools and Resources Webinar: Monitoring Cyanobacteria with Satellites

EPA Tools and Resources Webinar: Monitoring Cyanobacteria with Satellites

On Wednesday, November 15th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm (EST), EPA will host a webinar to share information about how the...

Register Now for EPA Webinar on Lead in Schools

Register Now for EPA Webinar on Lead in Schools

EPA’s Office of Research and Development and Office of Water invite you to a free webinar on Lead in Schools and Selecting...

EPA to Hold WIFIA Meetings and Webinars in November and December

EPA to Hold WIFIA Meetings and Webinars in November and December

On October 31, EPA published a Federal Register Notice announcing a series of “information session” meetings and webinars to be...

Webinar on EPA's OCCT Evaluation Templates – Nov 8

Webinar on EPA's OCCT Evaluation Templates – Nov 8

EPA has announced that registration is now open for the LCR webinar – Lead and Copper Rule: Overview of EPA’s...

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