EPA Water Affordability Needs Assessment Public Listening Session

EPA Water Affordability Needs Assessment Public Listening Session

On Monday, June 3, 2024, from 1:00 – 3:00 pm (eastern time), EPA will hold a public listening session on...

Register for the May 30 Source Water Collaborative BIL Learning Exchange Webinar

Register for the May 30 Source Water Collaborative BIL Learning Exchange Webinar

The Source Water Collaborative is hosting its 4th webinar as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Webinar Series on May 30, 2024...

EPA Water Technical Assistance and Funding Webinar

EPA Water Technical Assistance and Funding Webinar

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm (eastern time), EPA will host a webinar on available and...

President Biden Unveils 2025 Budget Request Including an 8.4% Increase in Funding for EPA

President Biden Unveils 2025 Budget Request Including an 8.4% Increase in Funding for EPA

On March 11, President Biden released his $7.3 trillion budget request “detailing his vision to protect and build on the...

OIG Releases Report on State Capacity to Manage IIJA Funding

OIG Releases Report on State Capacity to Manage IIJA Funding

On February 27, EPA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report evaluating Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) programs’...

IRS Exempts Lead Service Line Replacement from Federal Taxes

IRS Exempts Lead Service Line Replacement from Federal Taxes

On February 23, 2024, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service announced a determination that a government subsidized project to replace the...

EPA Announces $5.8 Billion Investment for Water Infrastructure

EPA Announces $5.8 Billion Investment for Water Infrastructure

On February 20, EPA announced a $5.8 billion investment through the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF)....

SWC Webinar on Using BIL Funding for Addressing Emerging Contaminants in Source Water

SWC Webinar on Using BIL Funding for Addressing Emerging Contaminants in Source Water

On Thursday, February 8th, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (eastern time), the national Source Water Collaborative (SWC) is hosting a...

RCAP Webinar on Procuring Engineering Services

RCAP Webinar on Procuring Engineering Services

On Tuesday, January 30, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm (eastern time), the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) is hosting a...

ASDWA Releases New White Paper on Congressionally Directed Spending Impacts to State Drinking Water Programs

ASDWA Releases New White Paper on Congressionally Directed Spending Impacts to State Drinking Water Programs

On Wednesday, 12/13, ASDWA released a new white paper, Hidden Consequences: How Congressionally Directed Spending Impacts State Drinking Water Programs....

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