Posts by Kevin Letterly

Upcoming Water Utility Resilience Webinar

Upcoming Water Utility Resilience Webinar

EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities is hosting an upcoming webinar describing their new tool: Resilient Strategies Guide for Water Utilities....

The National Water Quality Monitoring Council is hosting an upcoming webinar Sharing Decades of Monitoring Experience: What your SOPs don’t...

EWG Report finds Agricultural Contaminants in Private Wells

EWG Report finds Agricultural Contaminants in Private Wells

Last week EWG released a report on private well contamination in Iowa. The report examined state records from 2002 to...

New EPA Tools, Fact Sheet, and Workshop

New EPA Tools, Fact Sheet, and Workshop

New Fact Sheet EPA’s Water Security Division has released a new fact sheet Risk and Resilience Assessments and Emergency Response...

EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection Conference

EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection Conference

This week American University hosted the EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection Conference, focusing on EPA’s role in leading...

Upcoming NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Webinar

Upcoming NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Webinar

NOAA is hosting a free webinar next week on their Phytoplankton Monitoring Network, which is a citizen science program in...

EPA Webinar on Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Simultaneous Compliance

EPA Webinar on Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Simultaneous Compliance

EPA is hosting an upcoming webinar Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Simultaneous Compliance, which is a part of the...

AWWA AWIA Risk and Resilience Compliance Courses

AWWA AWIA Risk and Resilience Compliance Courses

AWWA has developed five courses to assist utilities in building a risk and resilience management strategy. These courses are also...

Manure Connected to Lake Erie Toxic Algae

Manure Connected to Lake Erie Toxic Algae

EWG has released a report entitled “Explosion of Unregulated Factory Farms in Maumee Watershed Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Blooms’” that...

Planning for and Responding to Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Webinar

Planning for and Responding to Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Webinar

EPA Office of Water is hosting a webinar focusing on approaches for managing HABs in drinking water systems. Presentations will...

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