Posts by Deirdre White

USGS National Ground Water Monitoring Network Funding Now Available

USGS National Ground Water Monitoring Network Funding Now Available

The USGS National Ground Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN) Cooperative Funding Opportunity for 2018 is now open for proposals through November 30, 2017. The...

ACWA Announces State Nutrient Reduction Progress Tracker

ACWA Announces State Nutrient Reduction Progress Tracker

ACWA has announced the release of its new Nutrient Reduction Progress Tracker. Members of the ACWA/ASDWA/EPA Nutrients Working Group developed this tool over the last three years to...

Register Now for the ASDWA Annual Conference

Register Now for the ASDWA Annual Conference

Join over 300 attendees at ASDWA’s 32nd Annual Conference being held October 17 – 20, 2017 on the beautiful waterfront...

ABC to Host Webinar on the New 2017 Standardized Exams

ABC to Host Webinar on the New 2017 Standardized Exams

The Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) will host a webinar entitled, “Introduction to ABC’s 2017 Standardized Exams,” on September 20th...

EPA 3T’s Webinar in September to Feature New York Department of Health

EPA 3T’s Webinar in September to Feature New York Department of Health

EPA will hold its next webinar in its series entitled, “Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care...

September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month (NPM) and communities across the nation are taking action to prepare for the next emergency....

HABHRCA Report Submitted to Congress

HABHRCA Report Submitted to Congress

On August 24th, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) submitted the “Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research Plan...

AMWA Webinar on Water Utility Resilience Innovations

AMWA Webinar on Water Utility Resilience Innovations

The Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies is hosting a free one-hour webinar on water utility resilience as part of its...

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