Posts by Deirdre White

EPA Webinar on Drinking Water Microbes and Regulations

EPA Webinar on Drinking Water Microbes and Regulations

On May 19th from 2:00-3:00 pm (eastern time), EPA will hold a webinar entitled “Drinking Water Microbes 101,” as part...

ASDWA Webinar: Thinking Bigger with Asset Management: There’s Room for Source Water Protection

ASDWA Webinar: Thinking Bigger with Asset Management: There’s Room for Source Water Protection

ASDWA will host a free webinar on Thursday, May 14, 2020 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm (eastern time) to share information...

EPA and Army Publish Final WOTUS Rule

EPA and Army Publish Final WOTUS Rule

On April 21st, EPA and the Army published the final “Navigable Waters Protection Rule” that defines Waters of the United...

NRCS Announces New RCPP Project Awards

NRCS Announces New RCPP Project Awards

USDA’s Natural Resources Service (NRCS) has awarded $206 million for 48 new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) projects across 29...

ITRC Publishes PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance and Resources

ITRC Publishes PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance and Resources

This Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) has published its online PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance document, updated PFAS fact...

New NRCS NWQI Bulletin for FY ’21 Watershed Funding

New NRCS NWQI Bulletin for FY ’21 Watershed Funding

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has posted its National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) watershed selection bulletin for FY...

NRCS RCPP Project Opportunity for Alternative Funding Arrangements

NRCS RCPP Project Opportunity for Alternative Funding Arrangements

The NRCS has announced that up to $50 million is being made available for up to 15 Regional Conservation Partnership...

ASTHO Publishes Comprehensive COVID-19 Risk Communication Guide for Health officials

ASTHO Publishes Comprehensive COVID-19 Risk Communication Guide for Health officials

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) has developed a field guide entitled, “COVID-19: Simple Answers to Top...

EPA Webinar on Water Treatment Modeling for PFAS and Other Contaminants

EPA Webinar on Water Treatment Modeling for PFAS and Other Contaminants

On Wednesday, April 29th from 2:00-3:00 pm (eastern time), EPA will host a webinar entitled, “Water Treatment Modeling Tools for...

New 3M PFAS Resources for Researchers

New 3M PFAS Resources for Researchers

3M has published a new PFAS “Research Clearinghouse,” on its website to help researchers with PFAS testing. This collection of...

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