Posts by Deirdre White

AWWA Publishes New Source Water Protection Brochure on Working with the Forest Service

AWWA Publishes New Source Water Protection Brochure on Working with the Forest Service

AWWA has published a new six-page brochure entitled, “Protecting Drinking Water at the Source: Working with the USDA Forest Service.”...

ECOS STEP Meeting This Week Focuses on PFAS

ECOS STEP Meeting This Week Focuses on PFAS

On July 29-30, the Environmental Council of States (ECOS) held its virtual 2020 State Environmental Protection (STEP) Meeting entitled, “Partnering...

ASDWA PFAS Web Page Adds New State Sampling Maps, Action Plans and Resources

ASDWA PFAS Web Page Adds New State Sampling Maps, Action Plans and Resources

ASDWA has updated our PFAS web page to include a variety of new and existing resources from 16 states in...

Colorado Publishes PFAS Drinking Water Sample Results and New Water Quality Standards Policy

Colorado Publishes PFAS Drinking Water Sample Results and New Water Quality Standards Policy

The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) has published its PFAS sampling project results and created a new...

NEIWPCC SRF Webinar on Climate Resilience to Kick Off New SRF Training Series

NEIWPCC SRF Webinar on Climate Resilience to Kick Off New SRF Training Series

On Tuesday, August 4th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm (eastern time), the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Council (NEIWPCC)...

New Minnesota 3M PFAS Settlement Website Updates and Drinking Water Video

New Minnesota 3M PFAS Settlement Website Updates and Drinking Water Video

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Co-Trustees for the 3M PFAS Settlement have updated...

ITRC Launches Online Risk Communication Toolkit

ITRC Launches Online Risk Communication Toolkit

The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) has launched its online Risk Communication Toolkit for state personnel, other lead organizations,...

Michigan Sets Drinking Water Standards for Seven PFAS

Michigan Sets Drinking Water Standards for Seven PFAS

Michigan has announced the adoption of drinking water standards for seven PFAS that will become effective on August 3rd. The...

EPA New PFAS Drinking Water Treatment Database Resources and Webinar

EPA New PFAS Drinking Water Treatment Database Resources and Webinar

EPA has updated its Drinking Water Treatability Database with new treatment options and scientific references for PFAS and will hold...

House NDAA PFAS Action Act Includes New Drinking Water and TSCA Requirements

House NDAA PFAS Action Act Includes New Drinking Water and TSCA Requirements

House legislators are seeking to attach a bipartisan amendment (Subtitle F – PFAS Action Act) to the 2021 National Defense...

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