Posts by Bridget O'Grady

Connecting Private Wells and Source Water Protection

Connecting Private Wells and Source Water Protection

Our colleagues at have developed the following article to help state drinking water programs think proactively about private wells,...

EFCN Hosts Two New Webinars

EFCN Hosts Two New Webinars

Our colleagues from EFCN’s Syracuse and Wichita State Universities are hosting two webinars this month that should be of interest...

EPA WSD Offers Webinars, Workshops, and Requests for Input

EPA WSD Offers Webinars, Workshops, and Requests for Input

Below are some upcoming resilience opportunities available to state drinking water programs as well as water and wastewater utilities. Please...

Administrator Pruitt Testifies before Senate EPW

Administrator Pruitt Testifies before Senate EPW

Earlier today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt testified before the full Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee.  Administrator Pruitt reemphasized...

GAO Releases Water Workforce Report

GAO Releases Water Workforce Report

Earlier today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report titled Water and Wastewater Workforce: Recruiting Approached Helped Industry...

The Crystal Ball Points to Another CR

The Crystal Ball Points to Another CR

Congressional insiders are projecting that Congress will need at least one more CR (continuing resolution) to get FY 18 spending...

WIFIA Reauthorization Measures Introduced

WIFIA Reauthorization Measures Introduced

Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) have introduced bipartisan legislation to reauthorize funding for WIFIA and expand the...

Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and Water Research Foundation Announce Integration into One Organization

Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and Water Research Foundation Announce Integration into One Organization

As of January 1, 2018, there’s a new organization in town.  The Water Research Foundation (WRF) and Water Environment &...

ABC Brings Certification Professionals Together

ABC Brings Certification Professionals Together

Last week, despite unexpected cold and ice, more than 100 certification professionals gathered in San Antonio to participate in the...

Senators Agree on Another CR

Senators Agree on Another CR

The Government Shutdown seems to be over…or nearly so.  Within the last hour, the Senate has voted to approve another...

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