Posts by Anthony DeRosa

NAWQA Liaison Meeting

NAWQA Liaison Meeting

USGS held a meeting this week with stakeholders to share information about the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project’s accomplishments on...

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Regulatory Issues and Solutions Webinar

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Regulatory Issues and Solutions Webinar

As part of the ongoing monthly webinar series dedicated to issues affecting small systems, EPA’s Office of Research and Development...

EPA to Host LT2 Source Water Monitoring Webinar

EPA to Host LT2 Source Water Monitoring Webinar

Registration is now open for EPA’s training webinar on Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2):  Round Two...

EPA to Host Lead & Copper Corrosion Control Webinar

EPA to Host Lead & Copper Corrosion Control Webinar

Registration is now open for EPA’s webinar:  Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment (OCCT) Evaluation:  Technical Recommendations. ...

House Energy & Commerce Committee to Hold Lead in Drinking Water Hearing and Status of Related Legislative Proposals

House Energy & Commerce Committee to Hold Lead in Drinking Water Hearing and Status of Related Legislative Proposals

On April 13th, the Health and Environment & Economy Subcommittees of the House Energy & Commerce Committee are holding a...

Senate Poised to Move on FY 17 Funding

Senate Poised to Move on FY 17 Funding

The Senate has decided that despite the lack of a budget resolution for the coming year, they will begin to...

New CWA-SDWA Infographic from the Source Water Collaborative

New CWA-SDWA Infographic from the Source Water Collaborative

The National Source Water Collaborative is pleased to announce the release of its latest source water protection outreach infographic tool:...

Webinar Invitation on Cybersecurity in the Lifeline Sectors: Transportation Systems, Energy, Communications, and Water

Webinar Invitation on Cybersecurity in the Lifeline Sectors: Transportation Systems, Energy, Communications, and Water

As part of the Department of Homeland Security’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT), the Critical Infrastructure Cyber...

Awards from First Round of NGWMN Funding

Awards from First Round of NGWMN Funding

The USGS just completed issuing the awards from the first round of National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN) funding.  This funding...

AWWA is Seeking Abstracts for Multiple Conferences in 2017

AWWA is Seeking Abstracts for Multiple Conferences in 2017

Utility Management Conference:  The AWWA and Water Environment Federation (WEF) Utility Management Conference will be held February 7-10, 2017 in...

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