Posts by Anthony DeRosa

SWC Learning Exchange Webinar on Linking Source Water Protection and Emergency Preparedness and Response

SWC Learning Exchange Webinar on Linking Source Water Protection and Emergency Preparedness and Response

Date:  Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Time:  2:00pm – 3:00pm (eastern) Registration Link The Source Water Collaborative (SWC) will host a...

Roadmap to a Secure & Resilient Water and Wastewater Sector

Roadmap to a Secure & Resilient Water and Wastewater Sector

Working at the behest of the Water Sector Coordinating Council and the Government Coordinating Council, the Water and Wastewater Sector...

Resilient Water Management Briefing Held this Week

Resilient Water Management Briefing Held this Week

The Value of Water Campaign, The National League of Cities, and the World Resources Institute held a Congressional Briefing this...

ASDWA Submits Regulatory Review Comments

ASDWA Submits Regulatory Review Comments

On Monday, May 15, ASDWA submitted regulatory review comments to EPA that detailed some potential regulatory revisions to consider as...

Lead Testing Across the U.S.

Lead Testing Across the U.S.

The May 2017 issue of Water Quality Products, a magazine typically geared towards the Point-of-Use water treatment market, has a...

President Names OECA Head

President Names OECA Head

President Trump has nominated Susan Bodine to be EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.  Bodine comes from the...

WRF Webcast on Providing Access to Resources for ASDWA Members

WRF Webcast on Providing Access to Resources for ASDWA Members

ASDWA has been working with the Water Research Foundation (WRF) to provide free access for ASDWA members to WRF’s library...

Utah Division of Drinking Water & the EPA Compliance Monitoring Data Portal

Utah Division of Drinking Water & the EPA Compliance Monitoring Data Portal

by Rachael Cassady The Utah Division of Drinking Water (UDDW) began using the EPA Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP) production...

[CMDP] Document Update: User Roles Job Aid

[CMDP] Document Update: User Roles Job Aid

The CMDP user roles ‘job aid’ pdf has been updated to be more comprehensive and is available here.

Fiscal 17 Done – Fiscal 18 in the Wings

Fiscal 17 Done – Fiscal 18 in the Wings

Last Friday, May, 5, the President signed the FY 17 Omnibus Appropriations Act into law (PL 115-31).  Text of the...

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