New EPA Region 8 Administrator Named
Shaun McGrath has been named as Regional Administrator for the states that comprise EPA’s Region 8: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota,...
Shaun McGrath has been named as Regional Administrator for the states that comprise EPA’s Region 8: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota,...
Funding is now available through the USDA’s National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) to help farmers and ranchers implement conservation practices...
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) is now accepting abstracts for the NGWA Expo and Annual Meeting being held December...
On May 1st, EPA’s Watershed Academy sponsored a webcast entitled, “Using Social Indicators in Watershed Management Projects.” Social indicators provide...
When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance goes a long way. Just one broken sprinkler head...
EPA’s “Recent Additions” link on their website contains two new publications that offer best management practices for the water...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released an updated web-based version of the Drinking Water Advisory Communication...
On Earth Day, April 22nd, the Source Water Collaborative (SWC) held a celebration and signing ceremony in conjunction with its...
On April 24th, EPA Office of Water senior managers met in Washington, D.C. with the Executive Directors of ECOS, ACWA,...
The New York Department of Health Public Water Supply Bureau has partnered with key representatives of the state’s water community...
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