Posts by Anthony DeRosa

NSF Offering Training Courses on Managing Water Quality in Buildings

NSF Offering Training Courses on Managing Water Quality in Buildings

NSF International is holding a series of training courses on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) for building water...

Other Hill News of Interest…

Other Hill News of Interest…

Rep. Pat Meehan (R-PA) has introduced a new CFATS authorization bill.  Titled the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program Authorization and...

Spending Decisions May Bypass Budget Plans for FY 15

Spending Decisions May Bypass Budget Plans for FY 15

In a rare bipartisan moment, it appears that the Chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, Republican and Democrat...

Congress to Focus on West Virginia Chemical Spill

Congress to Focus on West Virginia Chemical Spill

The following article is republished with the permission of the Environmental Council of the States from their newsletter. The Senate...

Farm Bill Has Positive Projects for Drinking Water

Farm Bill Has Positive Projects for Drinking Water

On January 30th, the House passed the agreed-to compromise on the Agricultural Act of 2014 — more commonly known as...

New Hampshire is the First State to be Selected for New USDA Partnership Opportunity to Implement Forestry BMPs

New Hampshire is the First State to be Selected for New USDA Partnership Opportunity to Implement Forestry BMPs

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and its drinking water program have formed a new partnership with USDA’s...

Joint Letter of Support for FY 15 Appropriations for the SRFs

Joint Letter of Support for FY 15 Appropriations for the SRFs

This week, ASDWA joined several state and utility organizations in urging the President to request, as part of his FY...

EFCNetwork Launches Water System Partnership Webinar Series

EFCNetwork Launches Water System Partnership Webinar Series

The Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCNet) is launching a new webinar series to look at water system partnerships and regionalization...

EPA Climate Change and Water News Excerpts

EPA Climate Change and Water News Excerpts

This week’s “EPA Climate Change and Water News” included the following articles that should be of interest to state drinking...

Spring in D.C.! Please Plan to Attend the ASDWA Member Meeting

Spring in D.C.! Please Plan to Attend the ASDWA Member Meeting

We encourage all ASDWA members and their staffs to join us for the ASDWA Member Meeting on March 10-12, 2014...

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