Posts by Alan Roberson

AWWA Releases Video on Downstream Impacts from Farms & Potential Farm Bill Funding for Conservation

AWWA Releases Video on Downstream Impacts from Farms & Potential Farm Bill Funding for Conservation

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recently released a whiteboard video on the downstream water quality impacts from facts that...

Congress Delays Difficult Funding Decisions for Another Three Weeks

Congress Delays Difficult Funding Decisions for Another Three Weeks

On Thursday, December 21st, the Senate passed another continuing resolution (CR) for three weeks (until Jan. 19th), averting a shutdown...

EPA Seeking Additional Input for Potential Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule

EPA Seeking Additional Input for Potential Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule

On December 14th, EPA released an Agency letter providing some details on the start of a new process to provide...

Congress Passes Funding Bill to Avoid Government Shutdown

Congress Passes Funding Bill to Avoid Government Shutdown

On Thursday, December 7, Congress passed another continuing resolution (CR) for two weeks that should prevent a government shutdown at...

New CDC Report on Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Released

New CDC Report on Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Released

On November 10th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its biennial report that compiles the waterborne disease...

Shaheen Amendment Could Result in Nationwide Health Study on Water Contamination

Shaheen Amendment Could Result in Nationwide Health Study on Water Contamination

On November 8, the Senate and House released a compromise FY 2018 Defense authorization bill, which is one step of a...

ASDWA Comments on Draft FY 2018-2022 EPA Strategic Plan

ASDWA Comments on Draft FY 2018-2022 EPA Strategic Plan

On October 31st, ASDWA submitted comments on the Draft FY 2018-2022 EPA Strategic Plan. ASDWA supported the Agency’s goal to...

Study Published on the Health Benefits from the Revised Arsenic Regulation

Study Published on the Health Benefits from the Revised Arsenic Regulation

In 2001, EPA revised the arsenic drinking water standard from 50 ppb to 10 ppb, and the revised standard became...

ASDWA Annual Conference a Resounding Success

ASDWA Annual Conference a Resounding Success

ASDWA’s Annual Conference in Norfolk on October 18-20 was a resounding success! Around 275 attendees spent 2 1/2 days hearing...

States and EPA Share Their Perspectives

States and EPA Share Their Perspectives

On Tuesday, October 17th, preceding the ASDWA Annual Conference, state drinking water administrators and EPA talked about a wide range...

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