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AWOP News is now available online. All of the most recent articles are displayed in the feed below. Click the title of an article to read, comment, print, or share it. Subscribe or search the archives in ASDWA's Newsroom [].
Updated EPA AWOP Webpage

Updated EPA AWOP Webpage

EPA has recently updated its AWOP website with multiple new materials. These new materials include the Generating High-Quality Turbidity Data...

EPA Region 3 Releases New Chlorine Calibration Training Video

EPA Region 3 Releases New Chlorine Calibration Training Video

EPA Region 3 has recently released a training video that demonstrates field calibration verification for measuring chlorine residual. The training...

Submit your Abstracts Now for the October 2019 ASDWA Annual Conference!

Submit your Abstracts Now for the October 2019 ASDWA Annual Conference!

ASDWA is accepting abstracts for the 2019 Annual Conference being held on October 28 – 31, 2019 in Tampa, Florida. You...

ASDWA Completes Webinar Series on DBP Optimization

ASDWA Completes Webinar Series on DBP Optimization

ASDWA has just completed a four part webinar series on controlling Disinfection By Products (DBPs) through optimization of treatment and...

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AWOP Program Contacts

EPA Office of Water/OGWDW - Cincinnati

SMRD Technical Support Branch

Rick Lieberman
(513) 569-7604

Alison Dugan
(513) 569-7122

EPA Office of Water/OGWDW – Headquarters

DWIDD/Water Finance Branch

Mike Finn
(202) 564-5261

Process Applications Inc.

Larry DeMers
(970) 223-5787

Jennifer Bunton
(515) 321-3035

Bill Davis
(469) 338-1823



Kevin Letterly
(217) 254-6157

Anthony DeRosa