The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) is the professional Association serving state drinking water programs. Formed in 1984 to address a growing need for state administrators to have national representation, ASDWA has become a respected voice for state primacy agents with Congress, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other professional organizations.

ASDWA’s purpose is to:

  • Support states in their efforts to protect public health through the provision of safe drinking water;
  • Collect and make information accessible to all state program administrators to assist them in fulfilling their duties;
  • Encourage the exchange of experiences and information among state drinking water programs;
  • Promote responsible and feasible drinking water program requirements at the state and Federal levels; and
  • Provide advice, counsel, and expertise to organizations and entities having an interest in drinking water, including Congress, U.S. EPA, and other Federal, state, and local organizations.

ASDWA members are the drinking water program administrators in the 50 states, the five territories, the Navajo Nation, and the District of Columbia. (15 of the 50 state drinking water programs are located in state departments of health, 32 are located in state departments of the environment or natural resources, and 3 are in mixed departments of health and environment.)

You may view past Years in Review in the tabbed section below.

A full-time staff located in Arlington, Virginia, manages the day-to-day activities of the Association.


Executive Director: Alan Roberson
Senior Water Policy Analyst: Kevin Letterly
Project Manager: Deirdre White
Interim Director of Operations: Anthony DeRosa

ASDWA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a state program administrator from each of the 10 U.S. EPA regions, the President, the President-Elect (who may also represent a region), and the Past President. The ASDWA Executive Director serves on the Board as an ex officio member.


President: Ron Falco, Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment
Past-President: Bill Moody, Mississippi Department of Health
President-Elect: Amanda Ames, Louisiana Department of Health


Region I: Ben Montross, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Region II: Linda Ofori, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Region III: Stephen Mann, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Region IV: Manny Patel, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Region V: Sandeep Burman, Minnesota Department of Health
Region VI: Lance Jones, Arkansas Department of Health
Region VII: Laura Johnson, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
Region VIII: Greg Olsen, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Region IX: Andrea Seiffert, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Region X: Tyler Fortunati, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Committees are essential to ASDWA’s operations, representing the Association on an array of important state program concerns. The Association has two types of committees, standing and ad hoc.

The quality of ASDWA’s analyses, in reports to Executive Agencies and Congress, reflects the expertise and input of ASDWA members, generally, and ASDWA committee members. Committees are comprised primarily of state drinking water administrators and their staff, but may also include subject matter experts or representatives of other organizations with special interest and expertise in the committee area.

ASDWA members and their staff are eligible to participate in committees and workgroups, and there is no limit on the number of people participating from one state. All committees have an ASDWA Board and staff liaison responsible for elevating critical issues or delivering work products to the Board of Directors and ensuring the Board’s priorities are represented in the Committee’s activities.

ASDWA members and their staff can learn more about ASDWA’s Committees and apply to volunteer on our Committees and Workgroups webpage.