EPA Announces $26 Million in Grants to Protect Children from Lead in Drinking Water at Schools and Childcare Facilities

On Thursday, 8/22, EPA announced the release of $26 million in funding to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities. This grant funding will be used by 55 states and territories and the District of Columbia to reduce lead exposure where children learn and play while advancing the Administration’s Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan.

The funding announced on 8/22 was authorized by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN) and is provided to states, the District of Columbia, and participating territories as grants for lead testing and remediation in schools and childcare facilities. Since 2019, the Voluntary School and Childcare Lead Testing and Reduction Grant has provided over $150 million in funding to conduct testing and removal of lead sources in drinking water in schools and childcare facilities. This grant program requires recipients to use the 3Ts – Training, Testing and Taking Action – to reduce lead in drinking water. The 3Ts Program provides valuable resources for states, territories, and Tribes to take action on lead and protect children in early care and educational settings. Learn more about the 3Ts Program., and more about EPA’s Voluntary School and Childcare Lead Testing and Reduction Grant Program.