August 5th Source Water Collaborative Webinar on Clean Water Act Permitting Guide for Protecting Drinking Water Sources

On August 5, 2024 from 2:00 – 3:15 pm (eastern time), the Source Water Collaborative (SWC) will host a webinar about the new guide on “Using Clean Water Act (CWA) Discharge Permits to Protect Drinking Water Sources.” The guide is designed to help state drinking water programs, drinking water utilities, local government entities, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders understand and provide meaningful comments on CWA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for facilities discharging PFAS chemicals and other pollutants that impact drinking water sources.

Participants will:

  • Learn how participating in the permit process can reduce pollution that impacts drinking water sources.
  • Get tips on how to use the guide’s tools to identify relevant permits and provide meaningful comments.
  • Hear from drinking water utility professionals and other stakeholders who have commented on Clean Water Act permits.

Webinar speakers:

  • Meg Parrish, Environmental Integrity Project
  • Erika Pauken, American Water
  • Jennifer Peters, Clean Water Action
  • Richard Stuck, Greater Cincinnati Water Works
  • Deirdre White, ASDWA

There is no cost to participate. Register for the webinar here.