Register for the May 30 Source Water Collaborative BIL Learning Exchange Webinar

The Source Water Collaborative is hosting its 4th webinar as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Webinar Series on May 30, 2024 from 2:30 – 4:00 PM Eastern Time entitled, Redefining “Disadvantaged Communities” in a New Water Infrastructure Era. States, water utilities, source water protection staff, state BIL funding program staff, source water collaboratives, federal agencies, and other water stakeholders are encouraged to attend. Register for the webinar here.

During the webinar, speakers from Utah, North Dakota, and Delaware will share:

  • How the SRF programs are given authority to determine what constitutes a “disadvantaged community” and this varies greatly across the country.
  • How states have ensured their definitions bring about the most equitable outcome possible.
  • The role public participation requirements had in modifying their definitions.
  • Challenges states have had in implementing the funding.
  • What clean water advocates can do to help states achieve the most equitable process possible for source water protection in their programs.

Visit the BIL Learning Exchange to access recorded webinars and other resources to help water stakeholders use the new BIL funding for source water protection.