EPA Releases BABA Implementation Memo & Schedules 11/15 Webinar

EPA’s Office of Water (OW) recently released its implementation procedures for the Build America, Buy America (BABA) provisions of the Agency’s infrastructure investment programs to asnwer some of questions that were not addressed in OMB Guidance M-22-11 or that require further clarification. A series of questions and answers supplement OMB Guidance M-22-11 with implementation procedures specific to EPA’s relevant water infrastructure programs.

EPA’s Clean Water (CW) and Drinking Water (DW) State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs and EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Finance Innovation Act (WIFIA) program have scheduled a BABA webinar on Tuesday, November from 2-4 EST. The webinar will discuss BABA implementation, project and product coverage, the waiver request process, and the national waivers. General inquiries, concerns and comments about products, projects, and questions about availability can be sent to: BABA-OW@epa.gov

Please register for this webinar at this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3992604224246012687