RCAP Webinar on Water Administrative Workforce on Tuesday, August 23
The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, August 23 at 3 pm ET on its new initiative aimed at developing the leadership skills of water and wastewater administrative professionals/clerks. Administrative professionals/clerks are the most overlooked but essential positions at utilities, especially in small and rural communities. RCAP believes that one of the most effective ways to enhance utility capacity development is to invest in leadership and management training for drinking water and wastewater administrative professionals.
This webinar will explain the goals of RCAP’s new program and will provide updates and timelines on its progress. The webinar is intended for primacy agencies, funding programs, and federal partners, and RCAP would appreciate ythoughts and feedback. This new initiative is being funded under EPA’s Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program. You sign up for this webinar here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8980310023065840912