ASDWA Pushes for Better Federal Coordination in Response to CEQ’s Climate and Economic Justice Tool
In comments sent to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on April 25, ASDWA called for better coordination from all federal agencies to meet the Biden Administration’s Justice40 goals. CEQ took comments on the beta version of the Council’s Climate and Economic Justice Tool to determine potential updates to be made. Once CEQ makes any necessary changes, the tool is intended to be used by all federal agencies to assist in implementing the objectives outlined in Justice40.
ASDWA’s comments are appreciative of CEQ’s work but noted that it is currently unclear how federal agencies will use the tool. ASDWA highlighted that EPA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and CDC all have existing tools meant to address environmental justice issues. ASDWA underscored the need to ensure that federal agency activities are streamlined and avoid duplicative efforts. Additionally, ASDWA recommended that CEQ work with EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water to find ways to include drinking water considerations within the tool.