Dates Scheduled for 18th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop
This year, EPA and ASDWA are hosting the virtual 18th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small System Challenges and Solutions. The virtual conference will be held on August 30 – September 2, 2021. While more in-depth details are coming soon, this year’s Workshop will focus on training on solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges with a focus on monitoring, distribution, source, and treatment topics. The Workshop at a minimum will include:
- Technical presentation sessions
- In-depth training
- Breakout discussion groups
- Plenary sessions with guest speakers
The technical sessions of the workshop will include “Monitoring and Distribution” and “Source and Treatment” topics, such as service lines and premise plumbing, infrastructure repair and replacement, contaminants of emerging concern (including PFAS and algal toxins), inorganics, rule implementation, pathogens and biofilms, disinfection residuals and byproducts, field investigations, laboratory analytics, and others. The in-depth training typically includes sessions on treatment optimization and control strategies.
For more information and regular updates, access the Workshop webpage here.