Register Now for Webinar on Predictive Tools for Lead Service Line Inventories

With EPA working on final changes to the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, there will likely be an increase in water utilities relying on predictive tools to develop their lead service line inventories. ASDWA is hosting this webinar to provide the opportunity to learn about state and utility experience with predictive tools and algorithms for lead service line inventories. Presentations include:

  1. Eric Oswald, Michigan EGLE and Eric Schwartz, BlueConduit & University of Michigan: Michigan’s Experience with LSL Inventories and Predictive Tools
  2. Quirien Muylwyk, AECOM: Denver Water’s LSL Inventory Predictive Model and LSLR Prioritization
  3. Erica Walker, 120Water: Lead Service Line Probability Finder and Predictive Intelligence Module

The webinar is scheduled for April 10, 2020 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM EDT. The webinar is free and open to non-members. Please register for the event here: