Spending Packages Passed & Expected to Be Signed
On Thursday, the Senate passed two spending packages to fund the remainder of FY 2020. H.R. 1865, which funds domestic spending, includes $9.057 billion for EPA, an increase of $208 million above the FY2019 enacted level. Funding levels for programs of interest included below:
- PWSS Grants: $106,250,000
- DWSRF: $1,126,088,000
- CWSRF: $1,638,826,000
- WIFIA: $60,000,000
For more details, see the EPA Appropriations Summary Chart prepared by ASDWA.
According to a Senate summary, the measure includes $43 million in additional funding to help EPA address PFAS, including $20 million for state-led remediation efforts of PFAS contamination.
The President is expected to sign the bills before funding expires tonight at midnight.