River Rally Features Drinking Water, Clean Water, and Agriculture Sessions
On June 21–24, River Network held their annual River Rally event in Cleveland, Ohio. The event took place near the Cuyahoga River that caught on fire for the last time exactly fifty-years ago, and celebrated the success of the river’s restoration. River Rally brings together representatives of local, state and regional groups and agencies to learn from each other and share ideas for ensuring that the nation’s rivers are clean and healthy. The program included over 70 sessions on many topics including drinking water, clean water, and agriculture. The program also included a workshop hosted by the National Source Water Collaborative (SWC) entitled, “Food & Water: Stronger Together.” The SWC workshop featured presentations by representatives of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), ASDWA, AWWA, and EPA, who offered tips and resources for working together and with agricultural partners to leverage partnership program opportunities for implementing conservation and management practices that ensure safe and reliable food and drinking water sources. For more information about the SWC’s efforts and recent June 25th webinar on this topic, visit the SWC website. For more information about River Rally, visit the River Network website.