ASDWA Testifies Before Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on PFAS

Yesterday, ASDWA Past President, Lisa Daniels, testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on six proposed Senate bills introduced to help address PFAS research needs and contamination. A description of the bills, the witness list, and a video of the full hearing can be found here:

ASDWA’s testimony focused on six main points: 

  1. Federal leadership is needed to effectively and efficiently address PFAS, without which states are left on their own to make the tough decisions on whether and/or how to address PFAS in drinking water and in other media.
  2. A national priority framework and research agenda is needed for PFAS and contaminants of emerging concern to fill the considerable data gaps on health effects and environmental impacts.
  3. Consider listing PFAS as a hazardous substance.
  4. Strengthen and use the Toxic Substance Control Act to reduce or eliminate the introduction of PFAS into the environment and place the responsibility on the manufacturers and producers of PFAS.
  5. There are significant research and data needs including:
    1. Total organic fluorine method for screening purposes;
    2. Additional PFAS analytical methods for drinking water, soil and groundwater, NPDES discharges, and biosolids;
    3. Increased lab capacity for PFAS testing;
    4. Data on exposure and health effects from PFAS and other CECs; and
    5. Continued research into treatment efficacy, design, and construction standards.
  6. Additional funding to EPA and the states, for both existing and any new programs, is essential to adequately address PFAS.

The full written testimony is available here: Lisa Daniels Senate EPW Testimony – May 22