EPA Issues New DWSRF Guidance & Updates to State Asset Management Initiatives
This week EPA issued new guidance for states that highlights recent changes made to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) as a result of America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018. Significant changes under AWIA include:
- an increased amount of additional subsidy available to disadvantaged communities;
- expanded eligible uses of the DWSRF set-asides to include source water protection activities and source water assessments;
- extended the American Iron and Steel provision for DWSRF-funded projects through the federal fiscal year 2023; and
- increased the maximum-authorized DWSRF loan term up to 30 years for any DWSRF-eligible community or up to 40 years for a state-defined disadvantaged community.
Additionally, EPA has released an updated State Asset Management Initiatives document. This document update, required by AWIA, allows states to learn about the various state asset management promotion initiatives.
Both documents can be accessed through the links above and are posted on https://www.epa.gov/drinkingwatersrf and https://www.epa.gov/dwcapacity.