WaterOperator.org Hosts NCWS Resource Webinars
Our colleagues at WaterOperator.org invite you to help spread the word about two webinar opportunities (same content – just different days) geared toward noncommunity public water systems and those who serve them.
The webinars will introduce their free online course that helps owners and operators of noncommunity public water systems with a groundwater well better understand how to properly care for their water supply. The course curriculum includes the basic science of groundwater, well mechanics, and source water protection best practices.
DATE: May 29, 2018
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
DATE: June 6, 2018
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
The webinar will also highlight some of WaterOperator.org’s most interesting features and how to use the site more effectively for your work.
Though the online course and webinar are geared towards noncommunity systems, very small community water supplies using groundwater may also find the information useful. Please share this opportunity with your water systems, assistance providers, and colleagues with an interest in this subject.