Water Environment & Reuse Foundation and Water Research Foundation Announce Integration into One Organization
As of January 1, 2018, there’s a new organization in town. The Water Research Foundation (WRF) and Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) have combined into a single research entity to be known as The Water Research Foundation. Bringing the two foundations together creates a stronger, broader, more interconnected research agenda that offers greater value to the water community. Now led by a single Board of Directors comprised of the directors from the two organizations with Co-Chairs Chuck Murray and Kevin Shafer and Co-CEOs Melissa Meeker and Rob Renner, The Water Research Foundation now has approximately 1,200 subscribers, 2,300 research studies, and a $700M portfolio. The integration represents the evolution of water research issues, the overlap between water and wastewater, and efficiencies to be gained through a consolidated research program.
Additional information is available at www.werf.org and www.waterrf.org.