National Conference Of State Legislatures Learns About Lead Service Lines
The National Conference of State Legislatures held a recent webinar for their members to learn about options for replacing lead service lines and possible funding schemes. In the webinar, state legislators from Wisconsin, a leader in lead service line replacement, discussed the legislation that was passed there to support lead service line replacement. This legislation gave local governments the tools to facilitate replacement but did not mandate that the locals take action. Costs would still be born primarily by the local water system customers. Tom Neltner of the Environmental Defense Fund provided information on the challenges associated with lead service line replacement, particularly funding, and approaches other states have taken. He also mentioned the Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative which offers tools to encourage lead service line replacement. Steve Via of AWWA gave background on water systems, how infrastructure is typically funded, where lead service lines are more likely to be found, and some possible funding resources for replacement.
You can access a recording of the webinar at