EPA to Host DWSRF Set-Asides and Eligibility Handbook Webinar
EPA invites you to register and attend a webinar titled Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Capacity Building in Action: Analysis of the Use of DWSRF Set-asides and the DWSRF Eligibility Handbook.
DATE: Wednesday, November 29
TIME: 1:00-2:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3718129797900846850
This webinar will highlight two EPA documents – Analysis of the Use of DWSRF Set-asides and the DWSRF Eligibility Handbook. These documents describe the variety of ways that DWSRF funds can be used for infrastructure improvements as well as programmatic activities and technical assistance through the set-asides. The webinar will also include discussion of state examples that are highlighted in the documents.