ASDWA Comments on Draft FY 2018-2022 EPA Strategic Plan
On October 31st, ASDWA submitted comments on the Draft FY 2018-2022 EPA Strategic Plan. ASDWA supported the Agency’s goal to increase water infrastructure funding, with the caveat the increased funding for water infrastructure must be paired with increased funding for state drinking water programs to ensure appropriate oversight. State drinking water programs are stressed from a financial perspective after years of flat funding. ASDWA also recommended that EPA use a holistic approach, using collaborations and partnerships between the EPA and the states to develop and implement solutions to address perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in drinking water and in the environment.
The development of a new software system, SDWIS Prime, to state primacy agencies to use for oversight and implementation will be a significant effort for ASDWA’s members over the next few years for the transition. ASDWA hopes to continue its collaborative partnership with EPA on the development and implementation of SDWIS Prime over the next few years.