Register Now for the 14th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop
EPA, in cooperation with ASDWA, will conduct the 14th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small Systems Challenges and Solutions. The workshop will be held in Cincinnati, OH at the Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel on August 22-24, 2017. The program will cover a wide range of drinking water topics including pathogens and biofilm, manganese and iron, premise plumbing, contaminants of emerging concern, corrosion control, inorganics, infrastructure, data management and compliance monitoring, and other “hot topics” in drinking water. The workshop will also include an “Ask the Experts” session, posters, and small group discussions.
The workshop is free and open to states and all others in the water industry. It is a great opportunity to learn from recognized experts and interact with national leaders in the field. All the information about the workshop, including links to registration and hotel, is available here. The flyer for the workshop is attached to this notice.
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