RCAP Names New Executive Director
The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCA), a national organization facilitating access to safe drinking water and sanitary wastewater disposal to rural communities, has announced the selection of Nathan Ohle as its new executive director, starting May 15. Nathan fills the vacancy created by Robert B. Stewart’s retirement. The selection was made after a national search and selection process.
Nathan Ohle has been a leader in economic development and partnerships for more than a decade at both the Federal and state levels. He recently served in the Obama Administration as the Senior Advisor at the US Economic Development Administration. Nathan also served on the White House Rural Council where he helped rural communities gain access to Federal funding and technical assistance from more than 15 Federal agencies. He was the US Department of Commerce’s leading expert on economic mobility, helping to create economic opportunity for some of the country’s most distressed communities. Prior to coming to DC, Nathan worked in the public and non-profit sectors in Michigan.