EPA Webinar on Global Change Explorer Web Tools
On Wednesday, May 31 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm (eastern), EPA’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources research program will host a webinar about its Global Change Explorer collection of web tools that allow visualization, comparison, and access to spatial data that describe potential future environmental change. These data can serve as a starting point to assess the vulnerability of air, water, ecosystems, and human health to climate change, land use change, and other large-scale environmental stressors. The data and tools are relevant across multiple scientific disciplines and environmental media, providing a foundation for integrated assessment of global change.
During the webinar, presenters from EPA’s Office of Research and Development will provide an overview of the three web tools – Land Use, Watersheds, and Deposition — that comprise the Global Change Explorer. REGISTER HERE
For more information about EPA’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources research program, view its Research Action Plan.
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