EPA to Host WIIN Act Webinar on March 23
Last year’s water resources legislation, known as the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) because of its broader scope, made some SDWA amendments. Many of these additional regulatory requirements are related to lead. One requirement is for EPA to develop within 180 days a strategic plan for providing targeted education to populations impacted by lead. The plan will include how EPA will work with states and water systems to provide this information about lead in the water system and its risks. The first step in developing this plan is a webinar with stakeholders where EPA will discuss the WIIN requirements, the strategic plan development, and also solicit stakeholder input.
The webinar will be held on March 23 from 12:30-2:30 PM EDT. The webinar will be open to states, water systems and other interested parties and one can register for the webinar HERE.
See the attached webinar announcement for more details.
4a – WIIN Webinars Flyer_March 23 2017