Three New Regulatory Reform Bills Sent to House Floor
In addition to the regulatory reform actions noted in a separate article this week, ASDWA has learned that three additional bills have been sent to the House Floor for consideration. The bills are so new that does not have text available as yet. According to the electronic newsletter E&E Daily, the three measures are:
HR 988 Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act. The bill “…would establish a nine-member body and authorize an appropriation of up to $30 million to independently assess which regulations are out dated or unnecessarily burdensome…The board would then report to Congress on which regulations could be tossed out. The commission would sunset after five years with a goal of reducing 15 percent of rules in the Federal Register.”
HR 1004 The Regulatory Integrity Act. This bill “would require agencies to disclose actions about their pending rules along with their public communications about those rules. It would also prohibit agencies from using those communications to lobby the public for support of their rules.”
HR 1009 The OIRA Insight Reform and Accountability (OIRA) Act. “The measure would establish a working group within OIRA to review regulations, streamline processing and aid small businesses with compliance.” The goal is to eliminate conflicting or redundant rules.