EFCN and AWWA Partner on Small System Webinars
EFCN and AWWA, under the Competitive Award Grants provided by EPA, have shared a list of upcoming webinar opportunities for states, assistance providers, and small utilities. See below for more details.
Communicating with the Public about Water Infrastructure
DATE: Thursday, February 9
TIME: 1:00-2:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: Register
Issues such as drinking water contaminants, algal blooms, and increased utility rates can put a community on edge. This webinar will address how best to communicate with the public in a way that will garner support and encourage public engagement. Participants will learn tools for communicating with their customers directly and through media outlets, as well as effective messaging for maximum impact.
Financing for the Future – Financial Longevity for Municipal Operations
DATE: Thursday, February 16
TIME: 1:00-2:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: Register
With increasing demand on utilities, expanding or declining populations, and the need for future infrastructure repair, it is necessary to look beyond the sort term financial planning and look towards financing for the future. This webinar will introduce methods that can be used for budgeting for the future. Participants will gain an understanding of how they can project for future changes and risks, and create a financial plan that will ensure there is money to address these events as they occur.
Water Audits and Water Loss Control: Gathering Your Data
DATE: Wednesday, March 1
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: Register
The hardest part of completing a water audit or determining the categories of your non-revenue water, by far, is just getting started. The first step is finding and collecting your data. Knowing what data you need, where to look for it, what some of the potential issues with the data may be, and how you can improve data in the future is your starting place. This webinar will cover all of those topics to help make it easier for you to start the process.
Preparing Winning Financing Applications for Water Infrastructure Projects
DATE: Thursday, March 9
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: Register
This webinar will showcase some of the federal funding programs related to financing water infrastructure projects. It will highlight some tools that you can use to enhance your application, and better plan for the financial management of your utility. Tools include intentional rate setting practices, asset management, capital improvement planning, and customer affordability analyses.
Water Audits and Water Loss Control: Entering Your Data into the Spreadsheet
DATE: Wednesday, March 22
TIME: 2:00-3:00PM (eastern)
REGISTER: Register
The water audit process starts by gathering your data. That process was described in the webinar on February 7th. Once the data is collected, you are ready to enter it into the free Water Audit Spreadsheet from AWWA. This webinar will discuss how and where to enter the data as well as determining the appropriate data grades for your information.